Sell with Confidence
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Right. So rates are on hold… again.

By Gavin Staindl

But this time it feels different. Maybe it’s the slightly warmer afternoons, or the slightly longer evenings, or maybe it’s because all the staff in our office have been sick.
But it feels different.

Last week we sold 11 properties.
That’s the most I’ve ever sold in a week in my life!
There were even a few that sold for a price above the quoted price range.
There are more people attending inspections and there feels like a renewed sense of confidence.

Yesterday the RBA put rates on hold but there is now talk of rate cuts as soon as Christmas – a major shift in dialogue from a month ago when everyone was concerned about rate hikes.

The long and short of it is I feel we’ve seen the worst of this suppressed market.
Bring on Spring, bring on sun, bring on sales 🙂

Real estate info below

👉  RBA holds interest rates steady, but big banks still expect cuts in three months

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