I had the pleasure of listening to Simon Griffiths the other week. Heard of him? Probably not.
He’s the owner of the toilet paper company “Who gives a crap” – a start up company that has bankrolled the dunnyroll industry.
With the perfect blend of philanthropy, toilet humour and an incredible PTR (poke through rate) he has turned his company into a multi-billion dollar business in a few years.
Inspiring stuff.
Meanwhile at our open for inspections, we’ve put a ban on using the toilet until the inspection has finished after a buyer, midway through a packed inspection, went for a number two and left a lasting impression on the bowl. That wasn’t funt to clean.
New policy created for that one.
Yes, it’s true. Ray White Officer director Gavin Staindl has stooped to the lowest form of humour to try win business.
On another note, the property market isn’t too shabby. Good numbers through inspections last week. See below what’s going on.
Stay classy, San Diego.